It is a legal requirement of Department of Education that the school keeps a manual or electronic attendance or absence record of every student.
Attendance and absences are recorded daily for every student.
As a parent /carer you are responsible for ensuring your child attends school every day. You must provide us of any absences in writing. You can either send in a written note of explanation, either by delivering it to the admin office at school or writing it in your child's communication book direct to class teacher, either is acceptable. Please attach any relevant doctors medical certificates or hospital paperwork to the absence note.
For students who are absent for 3 or more days it is madatory to provide the school with a doctors certificate.
Partial absences- if your childĀ arrives late to school, you must come via the office and have your child arrival recorded. Please do not go directly to classroom as this may result in your child being recorded as absent for whole day.